Thursday, 10 September 2020

Reusable Plastic Straws| Environmentally friendly Straws| Paper Straws


Environment-friendly straws are the best for our customers. Still, many people are using plastic straws. So this is our small initiative to promote alternative straws.

You have plenty of choices other than reusable plastic straws. Moreover, plastics are the major pollutant in Europe. Read this article to know more about the alternatives-


Paper Straws

These are the best alternatives for restaurants and bar owners. Paper is a biodegradable and compostable choice. Take cold drinks with these tools. 

This is not reusable yet affordable. If you need it in bulk, then Wilbistraw is the leading manufacturer of paper straws.

Silicone Straws

These are perfect for kids. Now, these are used in the kitchen as well. The best part is, silicone is flexible, durable and reusable. Moreover, these are not produced with harmful chemicals and good for family use. 

Metal Straws

These are the perfect choice if you need durable and reusable straws. Only the downside is, metal can change the taste of your drinks. Indeed, this is a suitable straw for daily use.  

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1 comment:

  1. It is really fantastic to read something in the favor of our environment, there are very less people who think about it, the idea and usage of biodegradable straw is very fine in terms of saving our environment.
